PO Box 1316
Monroe, GA 30655
770-207-0051 (office cell)

It was 404 years ago that our forefathers first set aside a day to give thanks to God for His faithfulness and provision. The reason why the day was set aside “BECAUSE HE IS WORTHY TO BE HONORED, THANKED, AND REMEMBERED.” At The Cubit Foundation, we, too, can join with all of you to give Him thanks. We all must be thankful that we have a country with the freedom to worship our Lord and Savior without hiding for fear of persecution. There has been a breakthrough in Cairo, but there is a big world out there with no freedom. Thank you for supporting us and praying for us so we can reach those people in need. I know we tell you in our newsletter, but we really feel you are our family also. We are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Cubit supports widows in America and around the world. The United States has had a catastrophic year in 2024 and has gone through many disasters around America. Some of these include fires, tornados, hurricanes, floods, extreme winter weather, and extreme high temperatures. Some victims are no longer with us this Thanksgiving Day.
Thessalonians 5:18 – In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
If you would like to help with the latest hurricane Helene that affected FL, GA, TX, TN, SC, and NC. Please give to your local organization, Samaritan Purse, 700 Club, or Cubit. Brad is planning to help, also. Our prayers are with all who suffered and lost family. If you are close enough to help, I know they would appreciate it, especially at Thanksgiving.
To all our friends and family, at this special time of year, we give thanks to God for all He has done for us. Maybe this year, around your table, give everyone the opportunity to say what they are thankful for. This would be a great blessing to everyone!
We have been very busy traveling this year, overseas and in America. I have been back to Egypt 5 times. My last trip to Egypt was in August with five other pastors for a “Church Planting Conference.” The pastors that went with us were Raymond Hardy, Jean Christof Nador, Gunter Seifert, Ron Teal, Woody Robinson, and myself. Last year, we had 12 in attendance; in 2024, we had 123 pastors. What a miracle it was that this was allowed to take place! Each pastor was very excited and appreciative. The place where we had the conference was in the church that we were able to help build in Cairo last year. “Cairo Evangelical” is 80% complete, but they are using it and thanking God every day for our gifts. Cubit is still helping them to finish.
All the teachers met in Stuttgart, Germany and had meetings for four days before Egypt. We met at a retreat center called “Mission Haus.” Pastor Gunter is the pastor there; he said the services were the best they had all year. Many were healed and saved, and their lives were touched. I returned on Sept. 3rd to Atlanta, and Paula and I left for Texas for a month of ministry on the 6th of September. We then went to Virginia and Maryland to speak. We are leaving soon for CA to spend Thanksgiving with our son Ronnie, Cheri and Cyrus. We will fly to Washington State on the way home to minister with Pastor Bach in Tacoma. The first week of December, we will be going to Central City, KY, to teach at their new Bible college and minister. Christmas, we will be resting at home this year. It is always nice to come home and enjoy each other! Amen
Thank you for a great year.
God bless, Dr Ron

This past summer, I had the opportunity to fulfill one of the greatest privileges of my life. I accompanied my two grandsons on a special birthday tour. They are both 17 years old, So I took them to Europe and Egypt. We began in England, then traveled to Egypt, and ended our tour in Greece. Over that 2 week period, we not only had fun, but we got to know each other very closely. I am convinced my grandsons are the greatest, and I learned to appreciate them even more than I had before. The one thing that impressed me the most was their willingness to learn about different cultures and to live in different societies. They both helped at the widows’ farm, taking crops to the widows, packing bags of hope and delivering them, they even helped butcher a cow. I am proud to say that both of them have committed to continue Cubit’s mission after Paula and I have retired. The ministry will be left in good hands. Thanks, Cidney Charles & Cyrus Charles

From the moment I stepped off the plane, Egypt was completely different than any other place I have ever been – the language, the smells, and even the way people interact with each other. Cairo is an amazing city filled with exotic-smelling bazaars, small shops with strange trinkets, and beautiful architectural achievements from every era of history.
When we left the airport, Mohammad Rozza was waiting to greet us at the exit, and despite not ever having met him, he greeted me as if I were a grandson he had not seen in years. As we were driving to our hotel from the airport, we saw countless horses, camels, and donkey-drawn carts moving with the traffic on the highway. The further we got into the heart of Cairo, the more strange and amazing it became. There were narrow, dirt streets with herds of sheep next to buildings that date back to pre-Roman times and beautiful structures celebrating each empire that had ruled Cairo, from the ancient Egyptians to the Romans, the Ottomans, and the present-day. Even just seeing the old men on the side of the street selling fruit or meat and everything in between made Cairo seem to be the most amazing city in the world.
Yet, despite the bustling liveliness, there was a consistently looming poverty, which a majority of the population had lived in for generations. Many people in Cairo live without clean water, access to food, or employment. Even still, the Egyptian people are such gracious hosts who give in surplus and provide their guests with enough food to feed their families for nearly a week. While we were riding through a rural town, I noticed a ditch that looked as if it were sewage disposal that a farmer was using to irrigate his crops. I later learned that it was also the water they drank, washed their clothes in, and bathed in. While some might chalk this up to just uncleanliness or ignorance, there’s also the factor of not having access to any other water or any way of disposing of waste or garbage and no funding to provide these programs besides an organization such as The Cubit Foundation and other non-profits. This is sadly a common trend throughout Egypt, as there seems to be little to no government funding or excess wealth that goes towards these towns. The Cubit Foundation has made amazing steps in providing clean water to many people, and the God’s Widows Farm provides food to an enormous number of widows and children. However, there are sadly still countless people who are impoverished throughout Egypt, but people still go about their lives, and smile and laugh. Even with the overwhelming poverty, Egypt is an amazing place filled with giving and gracious people who still find a way to smile and live joyful lives every day.

This summer, I got to go on a really cool trip with my Poppy and cousin Cyrus. We started in Atlanta, GA and met Uncle Ron, Aunt Cheri, & Cyrus in the city of London, where we saw Big Ben, went on a boat to the Tower of London, the London Eye, and Buckingham Palace. We went on a double-decker bus all around the city. We were only there for a couple of days.
Next, we flew to Cairo, Egypt and began our mission trip. The Cubit Foundation is a non-profit organization in which my Poppy is CEO and my father, Brad, is the President. My Poppy ministers in Egypt to widows and orphans. My Dad is usually in South America.
We were able to work on a 10-acre farm called God’s Widows’ Farm that is near Alexandria with Mohammed and Teta Rozza. We picked grapes, fed the animals and loaded the truck so the widows would have food. We even butchered a cow for the widows. It was so interesting to see how agriculture in Egypt compared to America. After working, my Poppy took us to many different archaeology sights, museums, and much more. We explored the Great Pyramids of Giza and saw all the fascinating ancient landmarks from history. We got to spend time with our friend Mohammed Rozza and his family. We ate at the Rozza’s home and had food I never ate before that was really good. It was something I will never forget. We even rode horses and camels in the Sahara desert. It was a great experience to see what Poppy & Meme have done all these years to help the widows and orphans who are usually living on the street.
Finally, we traveled to Athens, Greece, where we climbed the Acropolis, walked the streets, and saw all the amazing wonders in person. I enjoyed getting to spend time with our family as we traveled around the world, and I also got to grow in my faith. I want to thank Poppy for allowing me the opportunity to go on this trip with him and show me around the world. It meant a lot to me.
Discover the joy of giving with Cubit Foundation! Delight your friends and family with unique gifts that inspire faith and deepen their knowledge of Jesus. From Dr. Ron’s captivating books, CDs, and DVDs to exquisite art painted on authentic papyrus and stunning ornaments lovingly crafted by widows supported by Cubit, every gift is a testament to hope and love. And here’s the best part: 100% of all proceeds go directly to Cubit’s life-changing ministries around the globe! 🌍 When you order from Cubit, you’re not just giving a gift—you’re giving a DOUBLE BLESSING!
Shop today and make a difference that lasts forever!
Exciting News! Dr. Ron’s incredible show, The Chase, is now available on THREE amazing Christian networks! Dive into the fascinating world of Biblical stories as Dr. Ron uncovers hidden truths and shares the fruit of his years of dedicated research. Strengthen your faith, gain fresh insights, and be inspired with every episode of The Chase! Don’t miss this opportunity to experience the Bible like never before—tune in today!