Cubit works world-wide, however, our focus is in Egypt and South America. We dedicate our time to feeding widows and orphans, building projects for the needy and insuring that people have clean drinking water.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

Meeting Needs…Changing Lives.
Dr. Ron Charles is the Host of ‘The Chase’, the Founder and CEO of The Cubit Foundation, and is often called today’s “Christian Indiana Jones”. Originally from Kilgore Texas, Dr. Charles served as a pastor for 14 years and has been involved for more than 35 years with humanitarian relief, international water purification, archeological investigations, and teaching and training in various institutions. These activities have taken him to over 60 countries on five continents.
Meeting Needs…Changing Lives.
Brad, the son of Dr. Ron and Paula Charles, is the main leader for all of CUBIT’s numerous construction projects. Involved in construction since he could swing a hammer, Brad’s desire is to provide shelter for those who have none. Through his work primarily in Central and South America, he has learned Spanish, developed a network of friendships and helped many throughout the region. Numerous structures in countries such as Mexico, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, and Ecuador testify to his passion for helping others with his construction skills.

Join CUBIT providing Bags of Hope for Widows and Orphans. Only $30.00 feeds one widow and four children for one entire month. YOU can help today!
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