PO Box 1316
Monroe, GA 30655
770-207-0051 (office cell)
GREETINGS from The CUBIT Foundation!
Meeting Needs & Saving Lives

Dr. Ron & Paula Charles

Brad Charles

LeAnne & Cid Charles
Without a doubt, our most recent trip to Egypt (April 25-May 2nd) was not only miraculous, but historical as well.
Over the past 1,000 years Egypt has become known as the most oppressive to Christian believers, leading all Middle-Eastern nations in extreme persecution. The only government approved churches were Coptic, Catholic, and Jewish. The only true followers of Christ had to go to underground churches. But, just over eight years ago, with the revolution that brought the current President El-Sisi’s administration into power, Christian churches have been recognized by the government. Five new churches would be established yearly. There were a number of underground churches first to be recognized.
The last time a new Christian church was approved was in the year AD 1010. To say the least, new church planting was a concept totally foreign to the Egyptians. I felt very strong that God wanted to change that. So, I approached the Egyp-tian government officials about planting brand new churches. I received permission for new churches to be established, which would be registered, guaranteeing their right to exist, with the liberty to worship as they choose.
I contacted a pastor friend in Germany, Rev Jean Christof Nadon, who co-wrote a successful Church Planting Program for Europe. I asked him about joining me in Egypt to conduct the first government recognized church planting seminar for local pastors in more than 1,000 years. We were joined in Egypt by my friend and Cubit board member, Rev Ron Teal.
The seminar ran for two and a half days, with 44 pastors registered to participate. We had no idea how it was going to work. Nothing of this sort had been done before. But, God was in control! The Seminar was great and very successful. The pastors who completed the sessions all committed to planting new churches. This means that as many as 100 new church plants are possible.
In addition to the seminar the three of us had the opportunity to minister in local churches. Souls were saved, the sick were healed, and God’s peace and power was offered to all. I also had the opportunity to meet with some Parliament members, who expressed their continued support for our efforts in Egypt, especially with our ministry to widows and orphans.
The CUBIT Widows Farm is still the “talk of the region,” with God’s unprecedented provision from that 10 acres of land, which averages as much as 10 times more than the neighboring farms. Our harvest has been overwhelming. A special thanks to all who support our farm efforts.
God keeps on giving and His miracles abound beyond comprehension. It is through your prayers and gifts that these miracles are a continual occurrence.
May God multiple His blessings back to you for your faithfulness.
In Christ, Dr Ron Charles
At Big Heart Orphanage Carpentry school in Mexico there were some delays, but it is almost finished. Brad has not been able to go down due to his medical issues. There were problem with supplies as well as the city government. But, it is on it’s way.
As soon as Brad can travel down to Mexico he is going to interview teachers to train the students. Brad is not able to be down there for long periods of time. Brad want to thank you all for helping us with the school.
Please continue to pray we will finish in-time for the fall semester. The students are excited!
Thanks to the Carter family that have been supervising the construction. Once the students are trained they could become construction missionaries right at the orphanage. This will also keep them out of the gangs and drugs. Amen!
The walls are up and the roof is finished but I do not have a current picture.

You may receive this after Mother’s Day. We wanted to wait till Ron came back from Egypt with his report.
My Mom Louise Crandall and my Mother-In Law Rene Charles both made memories for us and our children that we will never forget. My Mom crocheted blankets for each of us and she also gave them away for weddings. My Mother-in Law made quilts for each of us as well as her daughter’s family. Usually we picked the colors that we wanted and it was fun to wait and see what we received. Those blankets and quilts are precious symbols of their love. I always believed my boys slept sheltered in the knowledge that they are as unique and precious as the quilts & blankets that were make for them. Nestled beneath their colorful blankets, my boys knew they were deeply loved. Jesus’s compassion for us is even more precious than our blankets and quilts. He weaves a tapestry of joy and hope around us as we are sheltered in His care. In the depths of our spirits, we can know that Jesus sees us as we are; unique, beautiful, and precious in His sight all the days of our lives. He loves us completely. In His all-encompassing love, we find safety, peace, and rest.
If you are a mother or grand-mother reading this, the most important gift you can give your child or grandchild, is to show them Jesus in you. It is some-times difficult to witness in person, but, you can always be the example God wants you to be. Reach out to your child or grandchild today!
If you are fortunate enough to still have your Mother or Grand-mother. REMEMBER THEM, PRAY FOR THEM, AND SHOW YOUR LOVE!


Ron was able to fund the widows and orphans while he was in Cairo. It is always a joy to see their faces. Paula was not able to come this time. They want to see her most of all. They feel her love for them.
The Rozza Family has helped us for many years. Ron met Mohammed 30 years ago at the airport. They became like brothers. The entire Rozza family help us in preparing the Bags of Hope and delivering them. Also, they manage “God’s Widows Farm” for us. They plant, harvest and give to the widows. Then they take the crop to the market.
What a blessing they have been to the Cubit Foundation. Please keep them in your prayers.
Raising grapes, wheat, onions, garlic, cabbage, eggplant, peppers, squash, chickens, cows, and camels. God is Great!

You can help the Cubit Foundation by learning!
On the website, you can:
- Purchase Dr. Ron’s Books, eBooks, CDs & DVDs
- Give a gift to a loved one.
- Buy 200 y.o. papyrus art
- Purchase beautiful ornaments handmade by Coptic Christians
- Get your Cubit T-shirt (they are soooo comfy!)
100% of all purchases goes DIRECTLY to Cubit’s ministry efforts!
Giving to The Cubit Foundation Cubit does have several areas of need.
1.Bags of Hope in Egypt
2.God’s Widow Farm
3.Water Machines in Egypt
4.Construction School in Mexico
5.Ukraine Humanitarian Aid
6.Brad’s Fire to replace the lost items
7.General Support of the ministry
You can go online to give or send in checks. If you would want to give recurring monthly gifts, go to the site and click on Pay Pal to set it up. As the summer approaches all ministries are in need as vacations start. Please remember us!
Your financial donations are 100% tax deductible!
Cubit is growing in different areas of ministry and it is because of you and God we keep going.
There is needy everywhere we go, and they need our help. Thanks to each one of you for allowing this to happen.
We love you all.
Dr Ron and Paula, Brad, LeAnne and Cid