Dr Ron: Thank each one for all your help over this past year! You will never know how grateful we are!!
It is going to be like a reunion after this long time away from all the churches and friends we usually see every year. As you all know because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, we were unable to travel to Egypt, Germany or most places in America. The last time we were able to be in Egypt was January 2020 with our group to evangelize. So, the regular flow of funds to support our widows and orphans in Egypt that we personally deliver has been greatly lacking. Yet, the widows and orphans still needed our help and The Bags of Hope had to continue to be delivered. Our workers in Egypt became very resourceful in their efforts to keep our widows and fatherless fed and provisioned.
God’s Widow’s Farm, that the Lord gave us 4 years ago, literally became a lifesaver for our widows and fatherless during this past years’ struggle. Although Brain Wills did deliver limited funds without leaving the Cairo airport and we were able to wire a small amount to our workers one time. So, when we discovered we would be allowed to travel to Egypt, with Covid precautions, we jumped at the opportunity. Even though we were limited in the amount of time we could spend in Egypt, Ron Teal one of our board members, Brian Wills, one of Cubit’s associates and myself returned to Egypt in late February 2021 with much needed funds. Thank you LORD!
The trip was successful far beyond our expectations, despite restrictions caused by the pandemic. Not only were we able to repay people who had loaned money to our workers to keep Bags of Hope going, but we were able to fund Bags of Hope for the next 6 months. In 2020 we distributed 12,224 Bags of Hope, to more than 1000 widows plus their children. Praise Jesus!
As you remember in 2019 we raised enough money to buy a tractor for The God’s Widow’s Farm. In 2020 we put out a request for funds to buy a truck to haul the produce to the widow’s, orphanage and to market. WITHOUT YOU THIS WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE! God had another surprise waiting for us! We received a gift of an additional 4 acres of land adjacent to our existing 6 acres. Giving us a total of 10 areas. In addition, we discovered our good friend, the former ministry of industry, had installed a very expensive irrigation system on the farm as a gift for the widows. This was an answer to prayer, because previously we had to haul water in a car by hand two miles away. THIS IS GOD’S WIDOW FARM! We give YOU all the honor and the glory and praise in all you do for us and the increase you have given the farm!!
BUILDING ON THE GOD’S WIDOW FARM: There is a run down building on the property of The God’s Widow’s Farm. The men that work at the farm stay in the building. The building is in much need of restoring. Cubit is making this possible so the workers will have a nicer place to stay and wives could come to stay and help with packing the vegetables and fruit for the widows and taking the produce to market.
When we go to Egypt in June we will be buying the tools, equipment and materials to restore the building. Kevin Deutsch, Ron Teal, Brant Fricker and Brain Wills will be helping with the building or wherever they are needed. Brad will be coming in September to finish the building or if there is something else Cubit needs him to do. What an honor to have men and women of God willing to travel to Egypt to help Cubit wherever they are needed!! Thank you dear friends.
We also had progress politically in February when we went to Egypt. We introduced ourselves to the new Parliament members and Ministry heads, assuring that we will continue to be looked at with favor. We look forward to retuning to Egypt in the summer to renew our relationship with the newly elected executive officers.