While shopping a few days ago, a sales-clerk commented to me, “Once things get back to normal, we will be ok.” However, God’s plan can be our normal. God will restore and recreate as necessary. He is in total control! Every ministry as well as Cubit’s ministry has had to change in order to satisfy the travel restrictions internationally and domestically and in our churches the social distancing regulations. Our focus, purpose and emphasis has not changed. Paula and I have spent more time in America in the past 9 months, then in the past 20 years. Mainly in Georgia because of Covid. That means our workers on the ground in areas of Cubit’s ministry have willingly stepped up and took on responsibilities for our widows, orphans, the persecuted believers, and the needy has not only been maintained, but has actually expanded.
One of the bright spots in the midst of the restrictive pandemic is our “God’s Widow’s Farm” in Egypt. As we reported to you in our last newsletter, this farm is producing many times over what the typical farm in the Delta region of Egypt produces. In fact, the local paper reported that this six-acre farm is producing seven times more than all other farms in the area. And they were quite open in admitting that this phenomenal production is because the farm was dedicated to God for the feeding of widows, orphans and the needy. But, this extraordinary production was accomplished by hard labor, including plowing the six acres with hand shovels, watering with hand carried buckets, weeding by hand, and harvesting by hand. A special thanks to those who recognized the need and gave in order for us to buy a tractor to work the farm. The tractor has been delivered and is being used daily. So now, we are able to increase production even more.
Presently, the crops are delivered to the widows and needy by car, donkey cart and by hand. The need for a pick-up is necessary. We are in the process of collecting funds to buy a used pick-up in order to enhance and improve distribution. One reason for the farm, was the food price has gone up. Our Bags of Hope usually where $25 a month, now would cost $50. The farm is keeping the cost down. So, even though this terrible pandemic has a strangle hold on Egypt, much like the rest of the world, God’s Widow’s Farm (locally acknowledged as Jesus’ gift to the widows) is producing far above anyone’s expectations, as a testimony to the Muslim world that our Lord supplies in the very midst of catastrophe and honors those who honor Him and proclaims Him openly.
We do not know what the future holds. Even things that in the past have seemed absolute, constant, and stable, are now unreliable, unpredictable, undependable. Though Cubit has been actively ministering to the persecuted believers, supporting widows and orphans, and providing help and services to the needy since 1985, we have no guarantee that what has been Cubit’s typical ministry process for more than 30 years will continue unaffected. Nonetheless, believers are still being persecuted, widows and orphans are still homeless and starving, and polluted water still takes the live of thousands yearly. As such, the need for Cubit’s specialized ministry emphasis is still needed. That being the case, we stand stronger than ever before, in our commitment to the persecuted, the widows, orphans, and needy.
In Christ, Dr Ron
Please Pray 5 minutes a day for the persecuted believers, Muslim by birth, Christian by choice!