Hello Friends! I can’t believe it is almost Christmas again. As I started writing this newsletter, I prayed and asked God for direction in what I should say. There has been so much that has happened since our last newsletter. Some of you may have doubts about God really loving you. Some have lost their jobs or home, or worse lost a love one. Governments are in turmoil all over the world. Why is this happening? WHY LORD, WHAT IS YOUR PLAN ?
As I continued to pray, I felt an assurance – He is there with each one of us, even during the trials in our lives. It is not our job to ask God what He is doing or why. It is our job to know who God is. If we know who God is He will give us peace and that will give us strength to go on. I know the Bible is the best place to find God. The Full Armor of God in Ephesians 6 gives us a good idea. The sword of the Spirit is the Bible. Let’s try to put the whole armor of God on daily. We must trust in God, even if the answers are hidden to us.
I was reminded of a song my father-in-law sang at church. “We can’t hurry God, we just have to wait. We have to trust Him and give Him time, no matter how long it takes. He’s a God that you can’t hurry, He’ll be there, so don’t you worry. He may not come when you want Him, But HE’S RIGHT ON TIME.”
We must continue to press on and keep doing the mission that God called us too. There are still 3 billion people that need the gospel. They need to see how we are acting during this time and if we are standing strong in the trials, and how we have been impacted to keep on going to serve others and share the love of Jesus Christ! Also, put on The Full Armor of God daily, for you and your family. It will be a turning point!
The CUBIT Foundation comes to you with a grateful heart this Christmas to tell you what faithfulness and support over the years has meant to us. Each one that partners with us is amazing. It is because of God and you, Cubit has been able to continue to function. Even in the midst of a world-wide pandemic, the anointing of the Holy Spirit has directed our paths and expanded our boarder, even if we can’t travel. We pray this for all of you! God bless you one and all this Christmas!
Love in Christ, Paula