Have you ever had one of those yahoo moments? Well, today I did while praying. Why have we not thought of this before? It probably was not God’s timing yet. But, we think it might be time. If we teach the children they will teach their parents. And a little child will lead them. Please keep us in prayers. We are going to try a few things out and see if we can find an Arabic curriculum to teach English with videos. Doors will open when it is God’s plan not ours.
This summer when we travel to Egypt we will try to obtain permission and look for a class room and children that want to learn. Some of the schools teach English to the children, but not from a Christian perspective. I am excited to see what God will do and how He will fulfill His plan! Thank you God for your love and provision. Send us the children you want us to teach and the parents that are open to receive English and Jesus. We feel that this will expand to include churches and other ministries coming to Egypt as teams to teach. Thank you Valerie Deutsch and Tausha Prince for agreeing to help me June. Love, Paula